Araby- WIP cavalry

Had a sort through the lead pile of my Araby figures. Lots of cavalry being the summary!

TB Line 
Knights 5 units, 35 figures
Heavy cavalry, 2 units, 12 figures
Camel riders, 5 units, 30 figures (+ 3 spares)
Mounted command 3 figures 

Crossbows (need to find these, probably 3 units worth, already base coated and on painting sticks)

Games Workshop
Horse Archers 7 units, 28 figures
Pistol cavalry, 4 units, 16 figures 
Pack camels 2
Camp figures 6 & market stall

Pack camels 6 figures 
Civilians 12 figures 

Magister Militum
Light cavalry 22 figures (too small to use with TB Line cavalry)

Units mentioned above are for HoW on 40mm square bases. 


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