High Elves - Overview

The High Elf army was by first 10mm army - some 12 years ago. It started with a win on eBay of a moderate sized forced - and has grown and grown over the years to be a huge army. The current army is so large it rarely gets on the table in its entirety.

The core of the army is GW Warmaster figures, including the 3 different rare troop types, which I have managed to purchase for not too much. All the Warmaster figures have been purchased second hand, mainly in job lots.

As well as this core there are additions of BoFA plastic elves, and some Pendraken figures - though these additions would probably be better used to make different armies. The BoFA figures will probably be the core of a Wood Elf army.

Finished Troops

The Elves arrayed in Warmaster units, full details are on my website 

Lead Mountain

There is a small lead mountain of Elves, just a few units, in case I need some specific figures for a game.

Rather than painting new figures, the army could do with a bit of a revisit and touch up of paint jobs, as a lot of figures have suffer chipped paint over the years. I think as these figures were the first warmaster ones they don't quite fit the bases as well as some others, so there are plenty of edges that get chipped.

Also I have changed colours for bows over the years, so these could do with standardising.

To Buy


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